Trail Expansions

  • Land Acquisition for Trails
    The 2006 Comprehensive Plan and Trails Master Plan both identify the long term need for total build-out of the proposed Trails Master Plan for the District. There are constructed segments of many different trails throughout the District leaving gaps that need completing for full build-out of these trail systems.

    Since trails are such a vital part of transportation, recreation and the quality of life within our communities it is very important that these trail gaps get constructed to provide the connectivity throughout the District. The Bond Measure includes funding for the purpose of land acquisition for trails. Once the land is acquired, future construction and connectivity throughout the entire District can occur, as envisioned in the Trails Master Plan.
  • Trail Development
    The Park Districts Trails Plan calls for the connection of trail segments into a coherent system of interconnected routes. Bond funds would be used to connect segments of currently isolated trails, and will create new trails to access natural areas as well as community destinations. Bond projects include several miles of paved, multi-purpose trails, in addition to soft-surface neighborhood and natural trails with permanent interpretive signs in some locations.

    Trails that would be constructed include segments of the following trail systems:
    Rock Creek Trail Corridor, Willow Creek Park, Beaverton Creek Trail, Westside Trail, Rosa Park, Jenkins Estate, Lowami Hart Woods.
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