Facilities > Sports > Tualatin Hills Athletic Center
ALERT:The Tualatin Hills Athletic Center will be on modified hours on Monday, Februrary 17th for Presidents day. Please check our drop-in calendar for most up-to-date schedule.
The Tualatin Hills Athletic Center, located at the HMT Recreation Complex, features six indoor sport courts and a walking/jogging track.
Athletic Center staff coordinates all sports league activity for youth and adults.
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It's never too early to start. Participating in athletics encourages the development of leadership skills, self-esteem, muscle development and overall physical health. Class Search »
Take your game outside. We have outdoor basketball courts with lights.
In addition to sports, the center has classroom space for a number of preschool age programs.
The Tualatin Hills Athletic Center offers badminton, pickleball, basketball, volleyball, and table tennis. It also has an indoor walking/jogging track, where six laps equal one mile. We also offer youth sports, art, dance, tumbling, and taekwondo classes for all ages. Outdoor basketball courts are also available.
Join us for a fun-filled event supporting mental health awareness! Our 5k Run and 1K Fun Run will be a great way to connect with your community, get active, and promote positive well-being for the whole family!
Learn more about our local Arabic community, while volunteering at this event! This event is held to honor the Arabic community in Beaverton and the holiday Eid al-Fitr, as well as Arab American Heritage Month. Volunteers will provide assistance setting up for the event, greeting event attendees, assisting with crafts and games, and cleaning up after the event. Please bring a reusable water bottle to drink from throughout your shift.
Aprenda más sobre nuestra comunidad árabe local mientras se ofrece como voluntario en este evento! Este evento se celebra para honrar a la comunidad árabe en Beaverton y la festividad de Eid al-Fitr y el mes de la herencia árabe americana. Los voluntarios ayudarán a preparar el evento, saludar a los asistentes, colaborar con las manualidades y los juegos y limpiar después del evento. Traiga una botella de agua reusable para beber durante su turno.
Volunteer while supporting youth and families as they do their best to compete in this friendly competition for all! Volunteers will welcome athletes, provide support with timekeeping and help run various meet stations throughout the event. Please bring a reusable water bottle to drink from throughout your shift.
Ofrecerse como voluntario para apoyar a los jóvenes y las familias mientras compiten en esta competencia amistosa de todas habilidades. Los voluntarios darán la bienvenida a los atletas, ayudarán con el cronometraje y dirigirán varias estaciones de encuentro durante el día. Por favor trae una botella de agua reutilizable.