y gratis en celebración de la cultura, el compartir historias y admirar a la naturaleza!
- Caminata de bienvenida
- Caminata guiada por Fanno Creek Trail
- Meriendas
- Festival Cultural de Cuentos
- Venta de arte y de cuentos
- Cuentacuento bilingüe
- Escritura de cuentos que serán donados para niños y ancianos en Venezuela
En celebración de la Semana de Bienvenida | Welcoming Week y Latino Conservation Week
Para confirmar su asistencia, por favor contacte a Venezuela‘s Voice in Oregon: venezuela.oregon@gmail.com
Este es un evento de la Semana de Bienvenida y es organizado por Venezuela's Voice in Oregon y THPRD.
11:00 am - Inicio del evento / Event Begins
11:30 am - 12:30 pm - Caminata de Bienvenida / Welcoming Walk at Fanno Creek Trail (Meet behind Garden Home Rec Center)
1:00 - 3:00 pm - Festival Cuentacuentos / Cultural StoryTime Festival (Garden Home Rec Center Gym)
Join Venezuela's Voice in Oregon and THPRD in this free family-friendly event in celebration of culture, storytelling and nature!
We'll have:
- Welcoming Walk
- Guided walk on Fanno Creek Trail
- Refreshments
- Cultural Story Time Festival
- Art and short stories for sale
- Bilingual storytime
- Write stories that will be donated to children and the elderly in Venezuela
This is a Welcoming Week and a Latino Conservation Week Celebration.
11:00 am - Inicio del evento / Event Begins
11:30 am - 12:30 pm - Caminata de Bienvenida / Welcoming Walk at Fanno Creek Trail (Meet behind Garden Home Rec Center)
1:00 - 3:00 pm - Festival Cuentacuentos / Cultural StoryTime Festival (Garden Home Rec Center Gym)
Please get in touch with Venezuela’s Voice in Oregon at venezuela.oregon@gmail.com to confirm your attendance.
This is a Welcoming Week event. Organized by Venezuela's Voice in Oregon and THPRD.
View Complete Event Listing Here