New Parks and Trails in South Cooper Mountain: A Tribute to Community and Nature
February 11, 2025
THPRD unveils new parks and trails in South Cooper Mountain, each named to reflect the area's rich history, diverse communities, and natural beauty, including Free Skies Park, Sequoia Plaza, Harmony Park, Chahelim Trail, Oregon Oak Trail, and Sandhill Crane Trail.
THPRD planning greenspaces in South Cooper Mountain area | THPRD está planificando espacios verdes en el área de South Cooper Mountain
November 28, 2022
THPRD is partnering with housing developers in exchange for THPRD system development credits to bring parks and trails to the South Cooper Mountain area.
Developer grading soil on THPRD property at SW 175th and Barrows | Desarrollador nivelando suelo en propiedad THPRD en SW 175th y Barrows
October 27, 2022
Housing developer The New Home Company is donating a natural area and a section of future park land to THPRD in exchange for developing a water quality facility on THPRD property.
Share your input on South Cooper Mountain area parks
July 16, 2021
The for-profit affordable housing developer Wishcamper Development Partners is proposing to develop a series of parks and trails in the South Cooper Mountain area.
Take a survey to share your input on a new park in the South Cooper Mountain area.
For-profit housing developers are proposing to develop new parks and trails in the South Cooper Mountain area in exchange for THPRD system development credits. THPRD is partnering with these developers to help reach out to local community members and learn what activities the community would most like in the future parks.
These projects include multiple parks planned for development in the City of Beaverton’s South Cooper Mountain Concept Plan. The housing developers currently own the future park properties and are responsible for community engagement, planning, construction, and maintenance of the proposed parks and trails. Final design and ownership is contingent upon an agreement between each developer and THPRD. Once construction is complete and approved, the properties will be transferred to THPRD to assume ownership and maintenance responsibilities.
For more information on this project, including community engagement, please visit the City of Beaverton’s South Cooper Mountain webpage.
Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about this project.
How will I get news and updates about the project?
Our developer partners are responsible for community engagement for this project. More information on their engagement and the overall project please visit City of Beaverton’s South Cooper Mountain Concept Plan
As THPRD helps supports developers in reaching more audiences, we will post additional community engagement updates on this webpage. If you would like to receive THPRD updates and notices about projects in the South Cooper Mountain area, please join this email list.
Why do housing developers sometimes develop parks instead of THPRD?
In new housing developments, a housing developer may choose to collaborate with the local jurisdiction or THPRD to plan and build parks within their new development. Generally, when housing developers plan and build parks, the parks require less cost and labor for the district and the public and the park development moves much faster. This is generally because the housing developer is already mobilized for planning, permitting, and construction in that area. If a housing developer chooses not to develop parks, then THPRD must develop those parks starting from the beginning of the planning, permitting, and construction mobilization process for each new park, which can take several years. Thus, THPRD provides incentives (system development credits) to encourage housing developers to develop parks on their own. THPRD then accepts ownership and maintenance of parks if and when a developer constructs the parks according to the design plans (including safety, accessibility, and other standards). THPRD also requires the developer to engage the local community as much as possible in the park’s design process.